How to use in plugins
Guide on how to use this plugin in most popular plugins
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Guide on how to use this plugin in most popular plugins
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You can use any head from AdvancedHeads database in other plugins. You will need the "base64" value of it.
Hold that head in your hand and run command /ahd info
. You will be able to see information about this head - the name, ID and base64.
Click on Base64
, you will be able then to copy the value by clicking CTRL+A, then CTRL+c (CTRL will be Command button in MacOs). Now that you have the Base64, let's learn how to use it in other plugins.
Set material: basehead-<value>
,<value> to base64m e.g. from the head above
material: basehead-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjBlYjY0NzcxMzY0Y2M1NDY5ZThjNWVhNmEzYWQ1ZDgyYmIyZTdlYjU3MjFkY2Y5OGIzNDI0Mzc5MWM2Y2I3In19fQ==
This will set the displayed GUI item to any head you want.
Link to their Wiki explanation:
Set skin's value to the base64 value we already have. Here's an example:
Link to their Wiki explanation:
Other plugins will have similar ways of using our heads within their own. If you have questions visit our Discord server where we will help you set it up.